We share a common goal of achieving "a more perfect Union". An important pillar to achieving that, is by recognizing, upholding, and defending the rights and liberties of all Idahoans.
Civil Liberties
As your representative, I promise to:
Uphold the value enshrined in the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution and inscribed in stone above our US Supreme Court, of “Equal Justice Under Law”.
Fight back against any and all forms of discrimination and discriminatory practices toward any person whether it be housing, employment, etc.
I will work with state/city/local government leaders, law enforcement, and citizens to fight back against any group whose mission it is to infringe upon or present danger to any other citizen or group because of age, race, ethnicity, creed, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
2nd Amendment
As your representative, I promise to:
As a responsible gunowner, I will continue to protect the free exercise of Idahoan’s 2nd Amendment rights.
Local Control
As your representative, I promise to:
Ensure that local control means local control. Our legislature is not the final stop on local control, our cities, our communities are where true local control finds its strength.
Property Rights
As your representative, I promise to:
I will do everything in my power as a representative of the people to ensure property rights are never threatened or encroached upon. Property rights are a foundational principle across the United States. In Idaho especially, where both our identity and our economy are rooted in agriculture, the preservation of property rights – including grazing and water rights, is imperative to our survival and prosperity as a state. As a descendent of farmers and agri-business owners, I’m a strong proponent of local control.