Idaho’s healthcare system needs a serious update. From mental health to emergency response, and everything in between, Idaho’s system is hurting, and we must do better by our providers and patients.
Mental Health
Idaho’s mental and behavioral health crisis is growing, and the legislature has done little to slow or reverse its effects on our people and on our economy. By addressing and improving the mental and behavioral health crisis, we can strengthen not only Idaho’s citizens, but alleviate/potentially solve one facet of the homelessness crisis and strengthen our economic and employment climate.
As your representative, I promise to:
Support the Governor’s Council on Mental and Behavioral Health that expand it to include medical professionals specialized in mental and behavioral health and social workers/case workers to create a 5–10-year Master Plan to address and make progress in solving the mental and behavioral health crisis.
Work to expand and improve access to mental and behavioral health services and resources, including reviewing any improvements to Medicaid to ensure full coverage for Idahoans living with a mental and behavioral health illness.
Work to provide tax credits/incentives to parents who have children living with mental and behavioral health illnesses, and consider an additional tax credit/incentive for single parents in the same circumstance.
Healthcare System Quality
Idaho’s healthcare system and emergency response must be strong enough to be fully prepared to address potential crises and pandemics in the future. As we saw in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, Idaho’s healthcare system – much like the rest of the nation – was brought to the brink by the pressures of the pandemic. Our medical professionals, facilities, first responders, and Idaho’s patients deserve better and deserve to have a strong, functioning system that works.
As your representative, I promise to:
Use my experience in the healthcare field to work with our state’s medical professionals to identify areas of improvements in Idaho’s healthcare system and establish a portfolio of recommendations of actions that can be taken immediately to achieve those improvements.
Work to increase investments into our medical and scientific fields and find areas in which the private sector can contribute its own efforts and resources.
Work to review and improve Idaho’s health insurance programs and identify ways we in cooperation with the private sector, can drive healthcare and insurance costs down turning the focus to improving the quality of care and service to the people, and away from profits.
Work with facilities and partnering organizations toward increased pay for medical professionals, and review options to pay school debt off for nurses in rural health areas.
Work to address hospitals and healthcare associations having greater freedom to change reimbursement rates.
Work hard to improve proper oversight and reduce regulations in our healthcare system based on recommendations provided by medical professionals and facility leadership and do away with “one-size-fits-all” regulations.
Reproductive Health
Reproductive rights continue to be an issue that inspires a broad range of emotions. As a life-long limited government conservative, I have always maintained a personal pro-life stance. I do however, believe that a defined line should be drawn in how much government intrusion we will allow in our lives, especially in instances where we cannot “walk a mile” in our neighbor’s shoes.
As your representative, I promise to:
Work with my colleagues in the legislature to expand and improve access to quality care for women and expectant mothers across Idaho, so they feel safe and cared for in an incredibly delicate and critical moment of their lives.
Work with my colleagues in the legislature in coordination with private, public, and non-profit organizations to reform and update Idaho’s Child Adoption Laws. Making the adoption process more efficient and affordable, will provide expectant mothers with an alternative resource to consider, as well as give children in the system a loving home to families who otherwise could not be blessed with children of their own.
Healthcare Tech & Innovation
Innovations in science and technology, particularly in the medical field have been goals we have always striven for as Americans. In Idaho we have the ability to be leaders in healthcare technology and innovation, if we commit to it.
As your representative, I promise to:
Engage with healthcare organizations and leaders across the state to review the resources needed, as well as work toward creating a comprehensive plan on how to achieve greater milestones in healthcare technology and innovation.